Friday, February 22, 2008

exam, m/T

308 forensic paper started at 1500, 23/02/ 1519 now and i'm sitting in the library huh???
not that i dunno how to the paper....but it ended cuz got some problem with the quention , this is sth you dont get to c everyday...!!!!=)
mr. Franklin, is ok...we're human....we make mistake,

exam postponed to next tuesday, classtime!!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

你,you;我,me;我对你的感觉,my feelings for you

There’re always surprises in this world, for example; when I met you in my life;
Your crystal clear eyes, they appeared in my dreams,
My love for you is just like clouds in the sky, never a second they stop existing;
How I wish I could turn myself into small droplets of rain,
And let me drizzle in your heart.

Don’t care what will happen in the future; at least we’re both happy at this moment,
Don’t care what the ending will be like; at least the person that I miss is you,
I won’t treat this as a game, because I’m treating you with all my heart.

There’re always some words that I can’t say, because I’m afraid to put you in a hard situation,
I kept the selfish part of my emotion in the dark night, all to myself.
My love for you is just like a leaf in the pond, floating all over in your heart;
Searching for the right spot to stop and settle.

Don’t care what will happen in the future; at least I know I’m giving my best ,
Don’t care what the ending will be like; at least I know I love you and you love me,
I won’t treat this as a game, because I know I’ll treasure everything between me and you.

I love you,
You, me, and my feelings for you.



Thursday, February 7, 2008

update, happy cny

been forever since i update....hmm....i think sure got ppl out there feel like killin me...=)
anyway, wish everyone a happy CNY.
xin nian kuai le, 新年快乐
wan shi shun li,万事顺利
cai yun heng tong,财运亨通
xin xiang shi cheng,心想事成
shen ti jian kang,身体健康
shu nian xing da yun,鼠年行大运.

a lot of my frens is leaving the country soon, for all of you who are leaving, take care and ahve a save trip...wish you al the best, and i'll always remember you!!!
jon, grace, peggy, yensun, kayi, etc. just incase i miss out anyone, glad to know u all, glad to be friends, all the best...一路顺风.yi lu shun feng.