Sunday, July 8, 2007


When you are half way around the world, far away from my heart;
I’m still standing alone without any ending, without any exit;
Often time we regret things that we could have done,
Things that we did not do or say in time,
And when the time comes that we realize we are losing or already last that important things/person in our lives,
We’re always too late; no time for regrets, no time to be sorry.
Why do we always have to wait till the hurt have been done, the mistake have been done,
Only then we’ll think of it as our wrong, that we have to take on the responsibility;

People say this is life,
We are trying to learn, to feel life;
Trying to hold our tears,
Maybe to hide and deny our true feelings;
for me, I wouldn’t ask for the world to stop, for time to turn back,
Running away really doesn’t bring any good,
But there are those time that people will think of things that once matters so much,
Especially in the nights.

Often we forget that people around us need our care and love;
Excuses that we give bring people apart,
Without us knowing it, without time realizing it.
Often we complain things that happen around us are not as we wanted,
But when do we take the time to stop and look back at ourselves?
When do we take the time to think of what we been doing lately?
To think of what stupid things that we do?

The feeling or regretting,
Is a test that everyone need to go through;
Is just that the scar left behind needed some time to heal,

Don’t let things happening in our daily lives change who we are;
Don’t let unhappy things stay in your way;
Don’t give yourself a chance to regret.

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