Wednesday, March 14, 2007

24 hours

too many time, i fell so free...
so little time, i feel like i din do anything yet.
i feel like ,time is moving really fast..that i dun hav enough time to do my assignments....
yet i'm see free all the day....
strange, but how can this happen?
assignments coming , all due arounf the same time. i did prepeare them, but i feel like i have not really been doing my work.....
bluek!!!!normally i dun feel the tension, but why the feeling is so intense?
i'm not myself lately, where am i??what am i doing here??
gimme a break, i need to look for myself....
is that anything that feelings that are felt for too long will be repressed?
cuz the only feeling that i'm having now is worry and fear...
can someone tell me how is it to feel happy ?how is it to laugh truely from the heart?

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